The Time We Have

Hi everyone!!! Hope that your week has been amazing!
So this week I have a couple things to share. First, I have an amazing recipe that I placed on the recipe page. Seriously, these scones are the best!

Second, I have added a playlist of music on the music page! One list is some of my favorite songs and the other is a list of songs to encourage you during this time!

And lastly, I wanted to take a minute and talk about what we're doing with our time during this quarantine. I know personally that it can be easy to waste my day with all the free time I have. It can be easy for us to spend hours scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, snapping or texting friends, binge watching Netflix, watching Youtube, or even just sitting around. But this is a golden opportunity to be so much more productive! Maybe you have a project sitting in your closet that needs to be finished, perhaps you have been slacking on your devotions and prayer time and could spend more time in the Word. If you have siblings, play a game with them or play catch in the backyard. Learn an instrument, a new language, a new recipe. But most importantly, use this time to grow your walk with the Lord. Spend more time in your Bible, journal what you have learned from your devotions, seek out the things in your life that need to be changed and conform to the image of Christ. Pray for those hurting and effected by the coronavirus. Get creative and find ways to bless someone's day, even if it's just flowers on their doorstep or perhaps a text. Whatever you are doing, use your time well and glorify God in all you do. (Col. 1:10, 3:17, 1 Cor. 10:31)

Job 5:17 "Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves; therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal.
   -When God sends us trials, He is not out to harm us, but to better us more to the image of Christ. Yes, His shaping and molding us may hurt, but He also heals and restores. He is using things to cleanse our lives of sin and to teach us to put on the fruit of the Spirit. While it may hurt for a moment, the Lord will never leave us there. He will heal our wounds, He will put our broken pieces back together, more beautiful than ever.

Eph. 2:8
