Living in God's love

     Hey everyone! So a few things: as you can see I updated my blog and made it a little more user friendly haha. Also, I am going to try to be a little more consistent in posting, since I have been slacking a bit. 

    I want y'all to think about something and I mean seriously and honestly think about it. What does Christ's love mean to you? Does the thought of it put you in awe and wonder or is it just something you hear about every Sunday? I will be completely honest, it lost it's beauty and wonder for me. I knew Christ's love but I wasn't letting it satisfy me. I was looking for other things to satisfy my heart. But praise God He never gives up on us, because He has been giving me a new appreciation and gratitude for Christ's love. And I want the same for y'all.

    If you're like me, you grew up hearing about the gospel and Christ's love every Sunday. But I want you to pretend like you have never heard the gospel before. 

    At the beginning of time, God created everything perfect and good (Gen 1:31). But the first people, Adam and Eve messed that up. They disobeyed God because they put themselves above God and wanted their own way (Gen 3). Now, the world was broken and our relationship with God was broken. Because we are descendants of Adam and Eve, we have the same sin nature and are bound to a life and afterlife separated from God. (Rom 5:12). Anything "good" we do will never get us restored to God. But God in His great mercy, made a way for us to once more be with Him. He sent Jesus, the perfect and holy Son of God (Eph 2:4-5). The God who is perfect, holy, and blameless came and lived in a sinful world to die and suffer so we wouldn't have to. God took every sin you and I ever did and will do and placed it on Christ. Should that not just take our breath away?! The God of the universe loves you, a sinful small human, so much that He died and suffered in your place. Why do we take God's love so lightly? Why do we try to satisfy our desires and longings with things of this world?

    You may be reading this and think "oh yah I know that", but do you? Do you really KNOW? Do you live like you know? Do you live every day in God's love and are completely satisfied? Just take a bit to think about it and thank God for His love.


Eph 2:8
