Few words, Strong Impact

Good morning everybody!! I wanted to share a little something one of my closest friends wrote. This incredible woman has been such a blessing and encouragement in my life as I hope she will be in yours. God has trully blessed her with wisdom and insight.

Response to Covid-19
By Susanna
"It seems like only a few weeks ago we began hearing news about this mysterious “Coronavirus.” Not many of us Americans were too scared... We occasionally followed the news; we took a few safety precautions; but we continued our normal lives. Fast forward to today, nothing is the same. We constantly follow the news; we can’t find enough hand sanitizer; and our life has been turned-upside down. How should we not respond to this crisis? 
How should we respond to this crisis? 

To those that consider Covid-19 just a hype: 
Consider the doctor that is watching his son learn how to walk through a glass door. 
Consider the elderly lady with dementia in the nursing home, confused as to why she cannot see her husband.  
Consider the couple waiting for months/years for their wedding day, only to be cancelled and postponed even longer.  
Consider the families that were laid off at work, wondering where they will get money to buy food. 
Consider the children, not receiving the education they need to advance. 
Consider the high school and college seniors, who no longer get to celebrate their graduation to its fullest. 
Consider the teachers, working day and night to figure out technology and to record lectures. 
Consider the friends that are separated for an indefinite time. 
Consider the birthdays spent alone. 
Consider the mother separated from her children, because she is in the hospital. 
Consider the nurses, who have to break the news of deaths to their patients’ loved ones. 
Consider the scientists, who are giving their all to find a vaccine. 
Consider the doctors, who are literally suffering physically from exhaustion. 
Consider our leaders who work around the clock to ensure our safety. 
Consider the depression that has attacked so many across our nation. 
But... consider the deaths... consider the suffering. 
Consider the 3,000 plus deaths in the US. 
Consider the 12,000 plus deaths in Italy. 
Consider the many lost souls.

This is not just a hype. As a US citizen, when our country hurts, we should not merely consider it a hype. Our hearts should be burdened. Our hearts should be prodded to pray, to influence, to encourage, to remember, and to point others to our Savior. 

We as Christians have the hope of Christ. Let us not merely see our country hurting and turn our eyes. Let’s make a difference. Let’s show the world who our great God is! 
Consider that God created the world in just six days. 
Consider God’s promise in the OT that He would defeat sin and death. 
Consider His promises fulfilled in the NT. 
Consider His acts as a great Physician. 
Consider His love for the sinners. 
Consider the gift He offers sinners. 
Consider the hope and joy He gives His followers. 
Consider the peace He promises when we trust in Him. 
Consider Jesus. 
Consider His sovereignty. 
Consider His holiness. 
Consider that He is all-powerful. 
Consider that He is Omniscient. 
Consider that He is Omni-present. 
Consider that He is greater and mightier than anything that may affect us. 
Consider Jesus.  

Let us commit to not respond with a turned eye to this national crisis. Let’s respond with compassion, but also valor and strength as we point others to Christ. Consider Jesus."

Wow! What amazing food for thought! I hope this encourages and challenges you this week, as it did me! As always feel free to comment but be encouraging and uplifting please!!
I will be sending out an official post on Sat. Love y'all!

Eph. 2:8


  1. Thanks for the encouragement. It's hard not to think there's nothing we can do, but prayer is powerful. Plus there's always fellowship at home, ways to strengthen relationships and faith among your family. And there's things we can do to contribute to our community from a distance or online as well.

    1. Absolutely! There are so many ways to reach out to others, it's just takes a little creativity!


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